Week 4:

SPELLING: (Goes with stories) Write each 3 times, Define words, Write a sentence for each

1. volcano, 2.  scientist  3. mountainside 4. dormant  5. electric lightbulb, 6. archive,  7. miles,                8. kilometers,  9.  orbit,  10. countries

Challenge Words:  Alcatraz,  symbolic, Antarctica, temperatures

This is Week 4:  Get into a good routine.  

1.  Start with READING one of the stories below and then...

2.   WRITE ABOUT the story in your journal.  What happened?  What did you learn? Who are the characters, Where does it take place, When does it take place?  Authors Purpose:  Entertain, Inform or Persuade

3.  Math -       https://happynumbers.com/ -      Class code 500 398  - use your student ID as your password - no X0 before the number.

Use the Math Ideas in the CLP packet or online.

4.  Get up and have PE - Keep your journal like Coach Bow and Stagner asked. Create a new indoor PE idea or outdoor.

5.  Eat Lunch

6. ART-  Draw a picture related to your stories or Draw a picture out in nature, a tree, plant,sky

7.  Review Soc.Studies and Science


 My Lesson Challenge for you:  ECOSYSTEMS -  FOREST, MARINE/OCEANS, RAIN FOREST, DESERT,  -   RIVERS AND MARSHES                         - Divide your paper into 4 sections on each side, write 2 sentences describing each and draw a picture.

LADYBUGS -  LOOK up information on the Lifecycle of a Ladybug, draw the cycle, ask the adults if they know the different stages.  Are ladybugs good bugs or bad?  What do they eat?  Where do you find them.

Lady Bug Video - New

Ladybug Life Cycle - Watch!


CLOUDS - WEATHER SCIENCE        https://www TYPES OF CLOUDS - CLICK HERE              Learn the different types of clouds.


Clouds Different kind - Easy to Learn


PE -   You should have a FITNESS LOG  at home/ or make one.  Keep a LOG of how much exercise you do each day, and what you are doing.  We will see Coach Bow and  Stagner again, they want to know.

 Reading:  The Trouble with Spring,  Etna Blows it's Top  vs  A Trip to the Archives.,   Earth's Moons,  Recycled Link and Land of Ice and Snow,  Bury My Heart at Alcatraz.

Writing:  Journal everyday - see journal questions

Math:  Place Value create the biggest numbers you can using the digits (6,0,3,9,1,4) see Math,  try a new card game but use math as you play.

Science: Wave Motion and Energy

Social Studies:  Review Regions of USA.

Questioning:  Reading Comprehension:  5 W's - Who?   What?   Where?   When?   Why? How?

-  NEW just added 4/30/20 click here

Kahoot -  Play with us on 5/5/20  www.Kahoot  - click here to learn about it.  It is questions quizzes in MATH!! do the math